Innovation culture

Healthcare Perspectives

Healthcare Perspectives is a podcast by Siemens Healthineers about medical breakthroughs with the power to improve the lives of patients and their families everywhere. Listen to the latest episodes here.

<p>Every year, more than 12 million people suffer from strokes. With 6.5 million dead and many left with permanent disability, it is one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide.</p><p>Learn about the stroke pathway and understand the strategies to reduce the risk of secondary stroke.</p>
<p>In this episode, host Wiebke Plenkers, product line head for ON THE SPOT, Siemens Healthineers global mobile CT solutions, is joined by</p><ul><li>Mira Katan, MD, head of Stroke Unit and deputy head of Acute Neurology at University Hospital Basel in Switzerland</li><li>Carlos Molina, MD, head of Neurology Section and director of Stroke Unit at Barcelona’s Vall d’Hebron Research Institute.</li></ul>

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Improving pathways and prevention in stroke care
Improving pathways and prevention in stroke care
Hear about the stroke pathway and secondary stroke risk as well as the underlying diseases that are connected to stroke and how they can be identified and treated.

Discover more episodes

How generative AI is transforming radiology
How generative AI is transforming radiology
Learn about the relevance of artificial intelligence in radiology and how AI can support early detection of various diseases. Understand how AI can process massive amounts of data, enabling huge advantages in research.
A global perspective on lung cancer screening
A global perspective on lung cancer screening
Hear from experts about the importance of early detection, the programs that have been recently rolled out to increase lung cancer survival rates, and some of the exciting new advancements in the field.