WeScan Remote Scanning

WeScanWeScan brings together healthcare providers and remote MRI technologists to improve access to care.


Customer Services - WeScan gif

WeScan acts as an intermediary service that connects healthcare providers who want to cover their growing demand of medical imaging with remote MRI technologists. Gain access to a pool of experts and request MRI scan support from a qualified remote MRI technologist. This enables you to offer high-quality care – whenever needed, wherever needed.

Key goals for hospitals and health systems

Customer Services - WeScan - Access to care

Provide access to high-quality care

Hospitals must overcome the constraints posed by the shortage of qualified radiology technologists to ensure both patient satisfaction and revenue generation. 

Customer Services - WeScan - Productivity and efficiency of operations

Increase productivity and efficiency of operations

Radiology departments seek to achieve flexible shift planning, particularly during extended, off, and peak hours, to reach the desired level of care and throughput. 

Customer Services - WeScan - Knowledgeable and confident staff

Empower knowledgeable and confident staff

Radiology teams need to enhance the skill level and confidence of technologists through effective knowledge transfer to improve clinical outcomes and standardization. 

We can help you achieve these goals

Increase patient satisfaction by improving availability of care

WeScan enables you to access a pool of remote MRI technologists when you don't have on-site MR technologists available or are facing a general staff shortage. As a result, patients have more convenient access to a scanner site close by and experience shorter waiting times.

Increase productivity by enhancing flexibility

WeScan provides flexible access to the expert knowledge of our remote MRI technologists, especially during extended, off, and peak hours, which are usually difficult to staff. This enables you to achieve continuous productivity and higher flexibility in patient care – regardless of your individual staffing situation.

Hear from a customer

Hear from a technologist

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